Aquire your SPRX and EBOOT (Ill be using BO2 GSC Injector SPRX for this) Right click the SPRX and you will see an option called 'SELF Tools", open that menu and you will see "Resign EBOOT/SELF", click that and let the resigner do its thing Thats pretty much it for the SPRX Feel free to use the source code Hello everyone, CabCon here and today I will release my second (but first time for multiplayer) Black Ops 3 Mod Menu to the public! Any suggestions. Gsc Injector free download - Injector Enterprise, GSC on the Go, GSC 2015, and many more programs Name : The Final Statement. â BO1 GSC / 1.13 ] (CEX & DEX) Encore V8 / Injector + Downloadâ BO1 1.13 RTM TOOL STATS+NON HOST+MORE+DOWNLOAD Black Ops 1 GSC Mod Menu and PS3 Injector EnCoReV8.3 Open Source By CabCon + Download Required fields are marked *. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.

Multiplayer Mod Menu GSC - EnCoReV13 by CabCon.